Photo Manipulation – A Starry Night Aligns
This is by far my favorite Photoshop piece. The original images include: Various wildlife, some guy’s fishing trip, and a soft drink ad. The sky I made myself. Now we know why Vincent van Gogh was insane.
Read MorePoster – It Can Happen Here
This is my concept for a a poster in a world where the zombie apocalypse took place during WWII. The hand and dirt were to separate photos. I’m especially pleased by the bone sticking out.
Read MorePhoto Manipulation – Sic Semper Tyranasaurus
I just did this for fun. I’d explain what I did, but I think it should be fairly obvious that John Wilkes Booth did not in fact shoot a dinosaur.
Read MorePhoto Manipulation – Cubist Venus Rises
I was looking up images of Venus Rising for reference on a project of mine, erectile when I thought “I wonder if I could combine a whole bunch of these into a Cubist style piece?” Evidently I could.
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